The 13 P’s of creating a speech – a speech outline from Ken Annandale

When Ken spoke a few day ago, he gave us a very effective speech outline – the 12 P’s of creating a speech. I think that it is pretty self-explanatory – enjoy!

  1. Preparation
    1. Point description (ask yourself)
    2. Purpose Objective (Why am I doing this presentation?)
    3. People -Audience (Who is going to listen to me?)
  2. Introduction
    1. Promise Attention grabber (How do I get their attention?)
    2. Present Position (Historical situation What was the situation like before?)
    3. Perfect Position (Ideal situation What could it be like in future?)
    4. Proposal Recommendation (What is being offered as a solution?)
  3. Body
    1. Pertinent Points (features / facts – How does / will the solution work?)
    2. Persuasive Points (benefits / emotive – What?s in it for them / us / you / me?)
    3. Points to Ponder (Aspects that may concern them)
    4. Problems (Allow them to ask questions)
  4. Close
    1. Pr?cis (wrap up – repeat everything you said in brief)
    2. Plan for Action (Ask them to react to your suggestion)

Here is the mindmap file.

For more information on Ken, his website is


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